“Të Sigurt mbi Dy Rrota 2023”/ Finalja Kombëtare e Konkursit Kombëtar Edukativ zhvillohet më 10 Qershor tek Expocity Albania Konkursi Kombëtar Edukativ “Të Sigurt mbi Dy Rrota” zhvillon këtë vit Edicionin e tij të 12-të. Një event që organizohet…
ACTIVITY: National Fair of Schools “Art and Crafts 2023” PURPOSE: Finalization of the “Art, Crafts, Sports 2023”Program VENUE: Tirana Expo CityDATE: 06/02/23, 4:00 PM ACTIVITY SCHEDULE:• Tour in the fair section showcasing artisanal and artistic works divided according to ZVA…
Master the Business 2023, the largest Training Event in Albania and the region dedicated to success in business, returns with the newest practices and knowledge for sure success, in these challenging times! Live in the Expo City hall, March 17-19,…
THE MEETING POINT OF THE HOME AND KITCHENWARE INDUSTRY IN THE BALKANS HOST The Balkans, will open its doors between 9-10-11 November 2023 at Expocity Albania in Tirana. Over 150 exclusive Turkish brands will present the latest glass, porcelain, and…
It took place on November 18-20, 2022 in the hall of Expocity Albania!
Italian Food & Equipments TRADESHOW D.M.P. SRL promoter and organizer of the international professional event LEVANTE PROF in Bari (Italy), and editor of the industry magazine “Panicazione & Pasticceria” informs that the first edition of ITALY FOR HO-RE-CA is scheduled…
Automotive Fair Albania organizohet për herë të parë në Shqipëri nga Ministria e Shtetit për Mbrojtjen e Sipërmarrjes në bashkëpunim me Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme të Shërbimeve të Transportit Rrugor dhe Ministrinë e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë. Takimi i shumëpritur për industrinë…
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